Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Major Lesson One

So I've been doing learning at the speed of light it seems. I have my Google and Bing certifications, and have read 2 books on Google already and all psyched up to read Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary VaynerChuk now, which I got from Amazon before Christmas. 

So far, the main thing I have learnt is that if you don't know your audience and their story for wanting to buy from you, and your USP (Unique Selling Point), go back to the drawing board.

This is going to be a short post as I need some sleep, but wanted to post this, as it's very important. It doesn't matter how many SEM strategies you know.. if you don't know your buyer persona, their wants, needs, and dreams per say.. then you're missing a huge key ingredient in marketing. And I"m not just talking about knowing that your market is middle aged women who own their own homes, have a dog and 2.2 kids, sort of data.. I mean know your market's personality.. wants, needs, questions, emotions. Know it like a good friend.

Hope to share more soon.. right now some shut eye is in order.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Why this blog?

So it's (the end of) 2013.. I've been an Entrepeneur for pretty much all my 40+ year life, and all I have to show for it is years of awesomely great experience, fabulously great friends, and an empty bank account! But this year.. I found what I've been missing all these years... MARKETING!

You can have the best idea or product in the world, but without proper marketing, it can't go far. I used to think I could wing the marketing part, but this year I had an AHA moment.. Marketing is a real science.. a skill.. and I don't have it.. it's my missing link!

Sooo.. I am on a mission to be the best Marketing and PPC person I can. Hope you will join me as I blog about my learnings, share insights, and hope you will share your insights and ideas with me.

I look forward to this new adventure with you!